viernes, 12 de junio de 2020


Recordad la semana que viene a las seis de la tarde, nos encontraremos padres, alumnos y tutores en una videoconferencia especial. ¡Os esperamos a todos!

Martes 6ºA
Miércoles 6ºB
Jueves 6ºC

Solucionario semana pasada NATURAL

Solucionario semana 4 Junio SOCIAL

Solucionario ficha para subir a Drive
1. Choose the two sentences about provinces in Spain that are incorrect.
A. It has its own symbols (like a flag).
B. It is formed by many municipalities.
C. It is governed by a diputación provincial.
D. It has its own government, parliament, and court of justice.

2.  How many Autonomous Communities does Spain have? Name them.
Spain has 17 Autonomous Communities and 2 Autonomous Cities.
Andalucía; Murcia; Extremadura; Castilla La Mancha; Comunidad de Madrid; Castilla y León; Galicia; Asturias; Cantabria; País Vasco; La Rioja; Navarra; Aragón; Cataluña; Comunidad Valenciana; Islas Baleares; Islas Canarias; Ceuta y Melilla.                                                                                                                                

3. What are the three goals of the EU?
The goals of the EU are democracy, peace and to defend human rights.            

4. Write the name of the capital below each flag.
               Brussels                  Riga                            Dublin                    Portugal                

5. Which flag (from the previous activity) is in Ireland? Circle it.

The third one

 6. Complete the following text. Use the words in the box.


The council of Europe and the European parliament decide laws and budgets together. The council is formed by   ministers from every member state and the parliament, is the voice of the EU  citizens.
The court of justice is formed of one   judge    per member state and ensures the application of laws.

7.  Choose the correct sentence about the population of Europe.
A.   The fertility rate is high, and life expectancy is low.
B.   The real population growth rate is negative.
C.   Europe is a highly populated continent.

8. Order the sentences about the history of the European Union.
·        Reservado: 2Six countries signed the treaty of Rome and created the EEC.
·        Reservado: 4Spain and Portugal joined the EEC.
·        Reservado: 1Six countries signed a treaty establishing the ECSC.
·        Reservado: 3First time that the members of the European Parliament were elected.
·        Reservado: 5The Euro became the common currency.

9. Answer the following questions about the European Union.
·        How many official languages are there?       24             
·        How many member states are there?       27 (no UK)            
·        When is the Europe Day?   9th May                

10. Complete the sentences about what being a citizen of the EU means.
·        You can move freely around the EU.
·        You can vote in European and local elections.
·        You can get medical attention in any country within the union