Ruth Lorenzo was born in Murcia
Luz Casal was born in La Coruña (Galicia)
David Civera was born in Teruel (Aragón)
Mónica Naranjo was born in Girona (Cataluña)
Maico was born in Mallorca (Islas Baleares)
Rozalén was born in Albacete (Castilla La Mancha)
Melendi was born in Oviedo (Asturias)
Azúcar Moreno were born in Badajoz (Extremadura)
David de María was born in Cádiz (Andalucía)
Soraya was born in Cáceres (Extremadura)
Alejandro Sanz was born in Madrid
India Martínez was born in Córdoba (Andalucía)
Manuel Carrasco was born in Huelva (Andalucía)
Pastora Soler was born in Málaga (Andalucía)
Álex Ubago was born in Vitoria (País Vasco)
Activity on the note-book;
In what continent is Spain? Europe
Name 4 more countries in the same continent: Denmark, Italy, Portugal, Austria, …
Personal Vocabulary page 88 Social book
roots: raíces, orígenes
Below: abajo
Member states: estados miembros
Signed: firmaron
Treaty of Rome: tratado de Roma
Internal/external borders: fronteras internas/externas
• Act 1: Draw the flag of the European Union on your note-book
2.- Order these events from the oldest to the present:
2 a) Spain joined to the European Union,
3 b) Euro was used for the first time,
1 c) the Economic Europeam Comission was created,
4 c) United Kingdom leaves the European Union
• 3.- Name all the countries which belong to the European Union today

• 4.- Which countries belong to Europe but not to the European Union?
Albania, Macedonia del Norte, Montenegro, Serbia, Turquia, Bosnia y Herzegovina, kosovo, Andorra, Armenia, Azerbaiyán, Bielorrusia, Ciudad del Vaticano, Georgia, Islandia, Liechtenstein, Moldavia, Mónaco, Noruega, Reino Unido, Rusia, San Marino , Ucrania